Montag, 11. Januar 2010

somebody´s watching (from outside, inside, other side?)

woke up to my own attempts at screaming. but it would not really come out via my sticky tongue and dry mouth and stiffened vocal chords. its amazing how thin the borders between unconcious and conscious life, dream and reality sometimes are. there i lay- paralyzed and fearstruck by scenes that had just gotten into me and conjured up all of the most rudimentary and true motions inside me that are smeared with brainy rationalism in the waking hours. frontal brain jumped back into wake modus quickly and told me about the non-threatening reality of my room that i -physically- never left that night and no person, or thing intruded into. but still, from some other -far more intriguing- end something made me feel that boogey man was still haunting me. shadows from curtains, doors, clothes, furniture transformed into his dark knights, watching me and laming me with ready-to-attack stares. i absolutely did not dare to move. i felt caught by infantile archetypal fears on the one side and greater matters thrown up by the psyche on the other that made me scream and twist between the worlds so as to make them collapse into one. frontal brain ran fast enough to prevent the fusion. i rolled to the other side and fell into non-restorative and dreamless sleep for another few hours. boggey gang would not stay for breakfast. psyche´s piercing shadow is still at my back and the next night is ahead.

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