Freitag, 5. November 2010

How can it be

Life is not easy
Life is not fair
Miss Innocence will make it seem so
until the wild winds left her where
love grows cold
hearts get marred
faces look old
and hopes just starve

But how can it be
that there is so much YOU
so much YOU still
inside such a whiny, tiny me?

And how can it be
that I feel guilty, torn, and ugly
when i wish for nothing more
than to hide under your skin
and colour and scratch up
your world, your heart
with my oh way too eager drawing pen?

Here I write, where will you be?
Now, soon, forever
Can I win?
Raise hell
to keep up my faith, and hope, and chin
to look into your eyes
once more

Life is not easy, life is not fair
but Miss Love will make it seem so
and if and wehn I catch your gaze
will all my doubts be then erased?
For now,
till soon,