Freitag, 8. Januar 2010

Dear mus(ag)icians...

when you perform
you make love to a faceless, numberless lot of us
and we make love to you
only you
you eat away at our hearts
hypnotize our minds
play every string of our soul
infect us with words
about love, addiction, arcady, tragedy, people & memories
you fuel us
you fool us
you take us
you rape us
then kiss us goodnight
off and gone you are
shaking a sweaty night off your skin
while we slowly crawl back into ours
and lick the wounds and wonders
you carved into our existence
- blindly

and we always return for you
with great hunger
for the motionless, monotone streaming of life
has worn us down and out
youth jumped into the void
crumpling with age & loads of responsibilities
we crawled out again
to face a narrower, slower road to death

we come to you
for you to switch off the world outside
and feed us with stardust from neverland
where imagination is reality
& childhood eternity
come! kidnap us
from our numb and neat rooms
your music has the shape of our wings
its vibe makes them materialize from our heart`s desire

and off and gone we are
just for this night
reality dies
while we chase the moon
in your eyes
-singing, laughing, dancing
along with the imaginary twinkling shadows
of immortal youth & grace

and when you close your eyes
we dive into the puddles of the moon
filled up with honeymilk, flowers & perls
- oh how we wish we could drown in you!

but off and gone you are again
while we still suck desperately on thick, dead air
with eyes closed
and freezing feet
that remind us of the inescapable cold embrace
of another unpromising day
catching up with us
and steering us through dead neccessities
while youth and honey drip in tears from our eyes
and we keep the dust off our feeble hopes for escape
with a wing feather
we robbed from paradise

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