Freitag, 23. April 2010

seasons (unfinished)

i feel it on
i feel it in
my skin
something pouring down on me
a hail of nails
a rain of bliss
i lick my lips
and taste the wet that
stains i get
while chasing and crazing
my mind into a maze

the wet is blood
the wet is rain
who knows what

in the maze
i race
ignorant to its nature
a garden of seasons
changed by the posture
I take on to walk
in its shades
humble or in grace?

nails might pierce or cover me
in a red blood dress
the elixier of life
and I caress the thorns
that promise
a bed of roses

rain might drench me
in cold misery
or radiate in a glimpse of light
and cover my skin
in a glow of desire
and coming to life
with the roses awaiting
the lovers at night

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